When you are looking for auto insurance in Philadelphia, you are required to have a minimum level of coverage in place. While it is every Philadelphia drivers goal to find the best Philly car insurance available it is also crucial to make sure that you have the proper coverage that is required by law before you begin your search.
Here are the minimums, as they apply to all PA residents:
- $15,000 in Bodily Injury Liability Coverage for a Single Person Injured in an Accident
- $30,000 for Two or More Injured People, Stemming from the Same Accident
- $5,000 in Property Damage Insurance
- $5,000 in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage pays for medical and other expenses incurred by a person injured in an accident where you are the at-fault driver. Pennsylvania is a tort state, and you may be sued by the other driver to recover damages after an accident. While many drivers in PA have as their number one goal as that of finding the absolute cheapest Philadelphia auto insurance coverage possible, it is wise to make sure that one has adequate PA car insurance coverage – even if that means purchasing more than the state minimums.
Personal Property Damage Insurance is meant to cover the cost of repairing the other driver’s vehicle, plus damage caused to a building, shed mailbox, or street sign. A driver will buy Personal Injury Protection Coverage to provide benefits to pay medical bills after they are injured in an accident.
If you already have an excellent medical insurance plan, you may not want or need to buy more than the minimum amount of PIP coverage. Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist insurance covers you if you are involved in an accident with a driver who either doesn’t have insurance or who doesn’t have enough insurance to compensate you for your medical and other costs. PA residents are not required to buy it, but it may be a good idea to at least consider adding it to the coverage you have.
Following are some of the best auto insurance Companies in Philadelphia, PA
- Progressive
- Foremost Insurance
- Nigro Insurance Agency
- Nationwide
- Laughlin
The companies listed above are some of the best auto insurance companies in Philadelphia, PA. They cater specifically to Philadelphia drivers, providing accurate coverage for their needs.
Keep in mind, however, that the most well-known insurance company may not necessarily be the best. Many popular companies have large marketing and advertising budgets, giving them the upper hand. While it’s definitely worth your time to request quotes from these insurers, you may be able to find more comprehensive coverage or lower rates from less well-known companies.
Compare the coverage and premium amounts from less popular companies so you can make sure that you’re going with the absolute best option.
Choosing the Best Car Insurance in Philadelphia, PA
The best insurance companies in Philadelphia, PA are well represented in this list of most popular providers. A number of considerations were taken when compiling this list, such as the types of coverage offered, premium rates, customer satisfaction, claim management, and the overall strength and credibility of the company.
The ability to build a long-term, positive relationship with an insurance company is important. These companies have all demonstrated a history of dependable protection and deep-rooted commitment to good service, making them excellent companies to begin your search for car insurance.
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